
kerastase-specifique-vb.jpgThe Kerastase Specifique range was designed to address temporary or longer-lasting scalp imbalances. Kerastase Specifique products consist of arginine, Vitamin PP, and the GL molecule can help to significantly slow down collagen hardening (that causes many related scalp issues) and stimulate blood micro-circulation of the scalp. Products in this collection, such as Bain Vital Dermo Calm and Masque Sensidote Dermo-Calm, can help resolve scalp sensitivity and itchiness, and reveal a well-balanced scalp. For thinning hair and other hair loss concerns, Bain Prevention and Spray Stimuliste will be the appropriate products to handle this concern. Also, for over-active scalps that are prone to dandruff or have oily root issues, it is important to incorporate the use of the Bain Anti Pelliculaire and Divalent in your daily regimen. The Kerastase Specifique line will help to prevent the premature aging of the hair follicle and extend the life cycle of hair.